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“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). As we enter this year our hearts might be filled with a swirl of both excitement and anxiety about what comes next. I ask you that even on this cold winter day you will allow God to fill you with His presence & that you feel His warm embrace. We had a similar warm embrace situation.

At the end of last year during my visit to India we had a sudden inspection by the health department because someone had filed a complaint that our kids had bad skin disease due to unsanitary conditions on campus. The doctors checked every single one of our children & couldn't find one with a rash caused by uncleanliness. This could have been a reason to take the children away from us. There's constant resistance from the government to have our doors open. This is just one of the smallest harassments that I can share publicly & not have repercussions.

When you are constantly bombarded with false accusations, challenges with changes, loss, and failures remember that God's at work. Greater the challenge Greater the victory.

Two weeks ago we celebrated Pongal. Pongal is a South Indian harvest festival as we transition to spring. The most sought-after thing for children is to eat sugarcane. We were not planning on buying sugarcanes this year due to inflation. On the day of the festival a few military officials brought loads of sugarcane for our children. These officers were referred to donate here by the health inspectors.

It was heartwarming to see how God honors even our smallest desires. Each child got 3 pieces of sugarcane & enjoyed it over the next few days.

This sugarcane testimony is very small when compared to generous friends like you. But God did not only give us the victory over them but He softened their hearts.

I want to encourage you by sharing these short testimonies because What you worry about in your heart is heavier than the jacket we wore today (in Texas). When friends encourage us to trust God. We feel like, 'and you think like I didn't know that'. Let me tell you something, even when I don't have the strength to face my day what I can do is to call out to the one who is stronger than the enemy, than my problems, and my sickness. When I can't figure it out, I call on the name of Jesus because He knows. He prunes us because He knows we can be fruitful. Be encouraged my friend. Jesus loves you!

Judith Jacob Siddharth

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